Competitiveness Compass shows the way forward to Draghi’s path

4 February 2025 by
ALDE Party Communications

On 29 January, Renew Europe welcomed the European Commission’s presentation of its Competitiveness Compass, setting out a list of actions to be taken in the next five years for the EU to regain its competitive edge.  

The Compass transforms the recommendations of the report by former Italian Prime Minister and European Central Bank President Mario Draghi into a roadmap to transform the EU into the home of future technologies, services, and clean products, while making Europe the first continent to become climate neutral. 

“The Compass sets the right priorities, cutting down red tape, creating a more competitive environment, and fostering innovation. European liberals have been calling for this for a long time. If we want real growth and innovation, we need a smart and practical approach. The Omnibus Simplification Package in February will be the first big test, and we count on the Commissioners from our liberal family leading for more competitiveness. Europeans need to see real actions, not only announcements,” said ALDE Party President Svenja Hahn MEP (FDP, DE). 
"The Draghi Report was published almost six months ago, and this Compass runs the risk of amounting to nothing more than words - if not backed up by urgent and concrete reforms that invert Europe's "slow agony." We urge the European Commission to act quickly and decisively towards a more competitive, innovative, integrated, and less complicated Europe,” added João Cotrim de Figueiredo MEP (Iniciativa Liberal, PT). 

Renew Europe will regularly monitor the progresses made on the Draghi report. 

Photo: European Commission / 2024

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