Icelandic liberals deliver record election result

3 December 2024 by
ALDE Party Communications

ALDE Party member Viðreisn (Liberal Reform Party) achieved its best result since its foundation in 2016 in Iceland’s parliamentary elections on 30 November. 

The party won a record 11 seats in the Alþingi with 15.8% of the popular vote, doubling their parliamentary representation from the 5 seats and 8.3% of the popular vote in the last elections in 2021. 

Viðreisn will also retain Members of Parliament in all six Icelandic constituencies for the first time in their history. 

“I am very proud of the election campaign of the past few weeks. We waged a positive and constructive fight with our cause as our guiding principle and belief in what we stand for. There is a clear call for change and we will not shy away from it. Let's change this together," said party leader Þorgerður Katrín Gunnarsdóttir

Viðreisn campaigned to ensure free mental health services for children, free up state lands for housing development, increase the production of renewable energy, decriminalise recreational drugs and hold a referendum on Iceland-EU membership talks. 

"In Iceland, elections were held resulting in a change of power. Our member party ran an excellent campaign and achieved an impressive result! We can be proud of the work they have done. Our member parties across Europe continue their efforts to reduce polarisation and ensure that more citizens feel they are a vital part of society," said ALDE Party Vice-President Jouni Ovaska.

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