Call for Tender: Self-Service Survey Research Platform

Brussels, Belgium

The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party (ALDE Party) is the third largest European political family, bringing together parties with common liberal, democrat and reform ideas from more than 40 European countries. The Brussels-based ALDE Party Secretariat supports the activities of the Party; organises its meetings; manages its external communication; and facilitates European policy development and networking amongst liberal parties.

This call for tender was updated on the 24 th of June updating the deadline to the 1st July 2024.

Service Provider for Self-Service Survey Research Platform

 Description and purpose of the contract

With a goal to provide the European liberal family long-term and regular insights on voter sentiments, the emotional socio-political context, voter priorities and motives for political change, ALDE Party runs frequent research.

To make the most of such research, ALDE Party seeks a provider for its regular public opinion surveys in selected European countries.

Maximum estimated value of the contract: 500.000€ excluding VAT for a 2-year framework services agreement for a self-service survey platform and fieldwork.

Price revision

The fee stipulated in the offer submitted to this tender is subject to potential review and adjustment to account for inflationary factors. Such adjustments, if necessary, will be determined based on changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or any other relevant inflation metrics, as outlined by the appropriate authority or index from the country in which the tenderer is based in. The exact conditions for the price review will be stipulated in the contract.

Services required

A description of the domains is given hereafter. It should be noted that the descriptions are indicative, and the definitions are non-exhaustive.

ALDE Party estimates approximately 100,000 survey completes over the span of two years. This estimate is not binding, and the number of completions may be adjusted according to ALDE Party’s evolving needs.

Self-service survey platform services:

  • Ability to independently create surveys with advanced question types (rankings, max diff and similar) and setup options (randomization, piping and similar).
  • Ability to process and implement translations from English into European languages.
  • Ability to work with templates and libraries of questions (copy or move questions across survey projects etc.).
  • Ability to setup, monitor and update quotas for fieldwork.
  • Ability to export structured (e.g. xml, csv) codebook.
  • Ability to export data, both complete after the finalisation of a fieldwork and provisional data during fieldwork.
  • Mobile-friendly interface for survey respondents.
  • Preferable:
    • Capability to run conjoint experiments and other advanced designs.
    • Ability to generate a full set of test response data.
    • API access to respondent data.

Fieldwork services:

  • ability to select or modify and individually set-up quotas in respective country
  • ability to oversample based on pre-selection criteria (demographic or socio-political variables)
  • recruiting participants to take part in the survey. The size of the samples should meet the selection criteria reflected below, and will be taken into account in the evaluation process of the call for tender.
  • distribution of prepared surveys to respondents in their local language, following defined quotas and any pre-selection criteria; monitoring of quotas during fieldwork and adjusting as necessary
  • continuous quality monitoring and automatic replacement of low-quality responses during fieldwork (bot detection, AI detection, attention check implementation, LOI exclusions etc.)
  • Preferable:
    • capability to report non-response on respondent level and overall non-response rates.
    • mixed-mode interviewing with online + telephone, online + F2F or other combinations (use of third-party services is accepted)

Exclusion and selection criteria for all the lots

1. Exclusion criteria

Participation in this tender procedure is only open to tenderers (all entities involved, including subcontractors and consortium members) that are not in a situation of exclusion as specified in Annex II, which includes:

  • bankruptcy and insolvency situations.
  • non-payment of taxes or social security contributions.
  • grave professional misconduct.
  • fraud, corruption, participation in a criminal organisation etc.
  • serious breach of contract.

2. Selection criteria

  • More than 5 years of experience in fielding of surveys in multiple European countries.
  • Proven experience (examples will be required) of similar projects in nature and scope. The tenderer must provide references of 2 projects delivered in these fields in the past 3 years with details of the value, delivery date and the type of service.
  • Survey panel minimum technical conditions:
    • Capability to run representative online surveys in all EU countries.
      • A minimum required “representative” quota-based sample is 1.000 completes per country, preferred is at least 1.500 sample per country. Quota defined by age, gender and region; preferrable also education. Target group is voting age population (16+ or 18+, depending on country).
      • Ensure exclusion of previously polled respondents.
    • Preferrable: Capability for mixed-mode surveys (use of third-party services is accepted).
    • Defined and tested policy for data quality checks and management of participants.
    • Defined and tested policy for bot detection and mis-use of AI tools to fill surveys.
  • Adequately staffed and technically equipped for a smooth and efficient performance of the tasks required for the purpose of the contract. Professional profiles (e.g LinkedIn, CVs) will be requested for evidence.
  • Compliance and GDPR rules: the tenderer must ensure that all aspects of the fieldwork comply with ethical standards and legal requirements, including informed consent and confidentiality protocols.

Award criteria

Qualitative award criteria (60%)Minimum pointsMaximum points
Panel capabilities (sample size) in EU countries and some non-EU countries. In order to evaluate this criterion the tenderer should fill out Appendix I. 12,525
Demonstrated technical capabilities in providing the required services. In order to evaluate this criterion the following elements will be taken into account:    
1. A portfolio with examples of previous similar work is requested.
2. Survey’s platform functionalities. A demo of the platform is requested (images or videos).12,525
3. Data quality management. Please include in your proposal a reference to how the company guarantees quality of data.12,525
Quantitative award criteria (40%)Minimum pointsMaximum points
Overall economic offer as indicated in Appendix I50100

How to apply

Please apply by sending a detailed proposal in English, addressing the below elements:

  • Company profile, relevant experience in providing similar services and reference to the technical requirements and selection criteria mentioned in the tender. This should include a demo of the platform and a reference to how you guarantee the quality of the collected data.
  • Portfolio with examples of previous work with a similar nature and scope .
  • Pricing structure according to Appendix I, including any additional fees or charges, e.g. annual platform subscription costs.
  • Appendix II – Selection and Exclusion Criteria

Tenders must be submitted together with Appendix I and II, filled in and signed, by 1 July 2024 to Raphael Velez, Projects and Campaigns analyst at the ALDE party ( The deadline for the selection of the tenderer is set by 15 July 2024.


General Tender specifications


Annex I: Pricing template


Annex II: Selection and Exclusion criteria