Call for Tender: Alliance of Her Consultancy services

Brussels, Belgium

 The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party (ALDE Party) is a European political party that brings together parties with common liberal, democrat and reform ideas from more than 40 European countries. The Brussels-based ALDE Party Secretariat supports the activities of the Party; organises its meetings; manages its external communication; and facilitates European policy development and networking amongst liberal parties.


Consultant services for our Alliance of Her program

 Description and purpose of the contract

The purpose of this call for tender is to conclude multiple service framework agreements for the provision of consultancy services in the frame of our program the Alliance of Her.  

The Alliance of Her is our women’s empowerment program whose mission is to create change by empowering women in Europe to pursue their political ambitions. The Alliance of Her does this by:

  • Delivering world-leading academies for talented, ambitious liberal women at all stages of their political journey. Typically, an Academy is divided into three sessions, including a graduation ceremony, each of the sessions lasting 3 to 4 days. Over the course of the Academy, participants can develop their political strategies, build their knowledge of key political techniques, identify pathways for overcoming gendered barriers, get inspired and expand their network.
  • Harnessing the collective power of our growing alumnae and allies’ network and sharing resources, expertise and inspiration. Alumnae are connected via online forums as well as through events and other initiatives, such as issuing political statements on events taking place in Europe and around the world. Our goal is to expand this network and create stronger connections between our partners, allies and our alumnae.
  • Advocating towards a more gender equal European politics. The Alliance Of Her works with our greatest asset – our Alumnae – to make as visible as possible the status of women in politics, their lived experiences, why their voices are important and what solutions we can all be a part of to ensure more of them are able to lead and succeed. We do this primarily through policy and PR events, research, and campaigns.

In order to facilitate the best possible service provider on each of the services required, the tender is divided in lots.

This tender comprises the following two (2) lots:

  • Lot 1: Organisational consultancy services. ALDE Party will offer up to two service framework agreements for five years (total estimated value of the lot is 125.000€).
  • Lot 2: Communication consultancy services. ALDE Party will offer up to two service framework agreements for five years (total estimated value of the lot is 125.000€).

Contractors should commit to empowering liberal women in Europe to lead and succeed.

The specific services required per lot are detailed in the different Annexes. The list is not exhaustive, however and may be adjusted at any point to conform to the Organisation’s evolving needs. Tenderers may submit a tender for one or more lots. The lots are independent of each other.

Price revision

The monthly fee stipulated in the offer submitted to this tender is subject to potential review and adjustment to account for inflationary factors. Such adjustments, if necessary, will be determined based on changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or any other relevant inflation metrics, as outlined by the appropriate authority or index from the country in which the tenderer is based in. The exact conditions for the price review will be stipulated in the contract.

Exclusion and selection criteria for all the lots

1. Exclusion criteria

Participation in this tender procedure is only open to tenderers (all entities involved, including subcontractors and consortium members) that are not in a situation of exclusion as specified in Annex II, which includes:

  • bankruptcy and insolvency situations;
  • non-payment of taxes or social security contributions;
  • grave professional misconduct;
  • fraud, corruption, participation in a criminal organisation etc.;
  • serious breach of contract.

2. Selection criteria

The selection criteria for each lot can be found in the respective Annexes.  

If the same supplier applies to more than one lot, Annex II should only be submitted once.

Award criteria

All the lots will be awarded to the most economically advantageous tender according to the 'best price-quality ratio' award method. The established criteria for each lot can be found in the respective Annexes. 


The contractor may not conclude subcontracting contracts or cause them to be performed in fact by third parties, without the written authorisation of ALDE Party.

We offer

The contracts shall enter into force upon their signature by the contracting party signing last and shall continue in force until the celebration of the event.

How to apply

Please refer to each lot’s specifications for the tender’s deadlines, necessary documentation and contact details to apply.


General Tender specifications


Tender specifications - Lot 1


Tender specifications - Lot 2


Lot I – Annex I (pricing template)


Lot II – Annex I (pricing template)


Annex II: Selection and exclusion criteria


Annex III: Countries Checklist