The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party (ALDE Party) is the third largest European political family, bringing together parties with common liberal, democrat and reform ideas from more than 40 European countries. The Brussels-based ALDE Party Secretariat supports the activities of the Party; organises its meetings; manages its external communication; and facilitates European policy development and networking amongst liberal parties. To support our growing activities, we are now seeking a:
Description and purpose of the contract
The purpose of this call for tender is to conclude a multiple service contract for the provision of event organization services in the frame of our Renew Europe campaign kick-of launch event, in Brussels on 20-21 March 2024. A maximum of 450 participants is expected. Please refer to the fields outlined in the tender specifications for further details.
In order to facilitate the best possible service provider on each of the services required, the multiple service contract is tendered in lots.
The Multiple Service Contract comprises the following 3 lots:
Lot 1: Venue, Audio-Visual and catering services for event on 20 and 21 March 2024 - Working groups on Manifesto, selection of Lead Candidate and Chart of Values (maximum estimated value: 135.000 EUR HTVA).
Lot 2 : Venue for dinner reception – This lot has been cancelled due to a variation in the event’s nature
Lot 3: Venue, Audio-Visual and catering services for event on the 21 March 2024 - This lot has been cancelled due to a variation in the event’s nature
Lot 4: Registration and Voting System (maximum estimated value: 35.000 EUR HTVA)
Lot 5: Tool for text amendments and Resolutions (maximum estimated value: 25.000 EUR HTVA)
The specific services required per lot are detailed in the different Annexes. The list is not exhaustive, however and may be adjusted at any point to conform to the Events’ evolving structure and work programme. Tenderers may submit a tender for one or more lots. The lots are independent of each other.
Services required
With proven experience in building and designing websites using Odoo platform, the following services are required from the side of the contractor:
- Organise a round of consultations with relevant ALDE Party staff members to gain an overview for the scope and direction of the project as well as the needs for the visual branding and look of the website
- Design a functional Odoo-based website which takes into account the complexity of the organisation’s needs, as currently visible at, including but not limited to different content types (e.g. articles, personal profiles, interactive maps, pdf uploads…), accessibility features (e.g. photo to text, text to speech), branding and visual identity (logos, photos, videos, typeface), and so on
- Propose additional tools, such as social media integration tools, website accessibility features, interactive elements and search engine functionalities, which make the website experience even more user-friendly, for admins and visitors
- Consult and liaise with relevant ALDE Party staff members on a regular basis to ensure the design and functionalities of the developed website are responding to the necessary needs and expectations
- Import the relevant existing content from the current website
- Hand over the site ready to launch by the agreed deadline
- Provide access to the relevant CSS/HTML coding ahead of the handover of the site
- Provide written operational guides/theme documentation for the different functionalities of the website (for example, through pdf documentation or on Gitbook)
- Provide operational (online or in-person) trainings, if necessary, for the relevant ALDE Party staffers
Exclusion and selection criteria
1. Exclusion criteria
Participation in this tender procedure is only open to tenderers (all entities involved, including subcontractors and consortium members) that are not in a situation of exclusion as specified in Annex III, which includes:
- bankruptcy and insolvency situations;
- non-payment of taxes or social security contributions;
- grave professional misconduct;
- fraud, corruption, participation in a criminal organisation etc.;
- serious breach of contract.
2. Selection criteria
- Adequately staffed and technically equipped for a smooth and efficient performance of the tasks required in the purpose of the contract.
- Prior relevant experience in providing the required service(s)
- Excellent knowledge of English
If the same supplier applies to more than one lot, Annex III only has to be submitted once.
Award criteria
All the lots will be awarded to the most economically advantageous tender according to the 'best price-quality ratio' award method. The established criteria for each lot can be found in the respective Annexes.
A contractor may subcontract part of the services. Tenderers must state in Annex V what part of the work, if any, they intend to subcontract and to what extent (i.e. what percentage of the total contract value). If awarded the contract, the contractor may not choose subcontractors other than those mentioned in the bids unless they obtain the prior written authorisation of ALDE Party. The overall responsibility of the work remains with the contractor.
We offer
We are offering a multiple service short-term contract. The contracts shall enter into force upon their signature by the contracting party signing last and shall continue in force until the celebration of the event. Prices submitted in response to this call for tenders shall be fixed and not subject to revision.
For the tender’s deadlines or contact details please refer to each lot.
Please note that some of the deadlines have been updated since the publication of this call. For further information, please check the tender’s documents below.
Download the tender's documents here: