MR hold four key Ministers in new Belgian coalition government

3 February 2025 by
ALDE Party Communications

On 3 February, ALDE Party member Mouvement Réformateur (MR) announced four Ministers have taken office as part of a new federal government in Belgium. 

The new “Arizona” coalition builds on the legacy of Prime Minister Alexander De Croo as liberals set out a clear plan to reform Belgium with work, security and the reduction of taxes at the heart of their priorities. 

The list of liberal ministers in the new federal government is: 

  • David Clarinval – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Employment, Economy and Agriculture 
  • Bernard Quintin – Minister of Security and the Interior 
  • Mathieu Bihet – Minister of Energy 
  • Éléonore Simonet – Minister for the Middle Class, Self-Employed and SMEs 

Clarinval, a seasoned politician and business leader, retains his role as Deputy Prime Minister and will continue to focus on Belgian businesses and employment, heading a department in strong need of reforms. 

Brussels native and diplomat Quintin switches portfolio from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and will focus on reforming the police forces to ensure a more resilient fight against organised crime. 

Bihet distinguished himself as one of the most active young Members of the Federal Parliament, advocating for the deployment of nuclear energy as part of the parliamentary Energy Committee. 

Finally, 27-year-old lawyer Simonet becomes the youngest member of the government, after being elected as a Member of Parliament in last year’s federal elections. 

MR successfully negotiated a coalition government agreement prioritising labour market reforms, fiscal responsibility and added security measures.  

In particular, the programme endeavours to reduce taxes and cut business costs, limit unemployment benefits to two years, investing in nuclear energy, enforcing stricter crime penalties, expands police resources and strengthening EU border control. 

On 2 February, over 1,000 MR members participated in an extraordinary party Congress to approve the decision to enter into the new federal government. 

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